• 2021-04-14
    Which superheros are invented by MARVEL Entertainment?
  • American CaptainWolverineIron Man


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      Which of the following is not a member of the metaphysical poets? A: Andrew Marvel B: George Herbert C: Henry Vaughan D: Robert Herrick

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      Invented in China, paper moved out of China, first to Samarkand and then into Europe from the Islamic portals of Sicily and Spain. A: Paper, which was invented in China, moved out of China B: Paper, when was invented in China, moved out of China C: Paper, where was invented in China, moved out of China D: Paper, what was invented in China, moved out of China

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      Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( )

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      中国大学MOOC: Hippocrates invented theHippocratic Oathfor physicians, which is still relevant and in use today.

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      The first successful steam locomotive was invented in 1818 by ______, which marked the beginning of a new stage of the Industrial Revolution in Britain.