When a consumer spends less time enjoying leisure and more time working, she has ? higher income and therefore cannot afford more consumption.|higher income and therefore can afford more consumption.|lower income and therefore cannot afford more consumption.|lower income and therefore can afford more consumption.
- The supply of loanable funds, or “national saving,” is<br/>equal to ____ A: income - consumption. B: income - consumption - taxes. C: income - consumption - government spending. D: income - consumption - government spending - taxes.
- What is the time preference? A: People prefer the present consumption. B: People prefer the future consumption. C: Compared with the future consumption people prefer the present consumption. D: Compared with the present consumption people prefer the future consumption.
- Which one of the following statements is MOST accurate? ( ) A: In general, consumption demand rises by more than income. B: In general, consumption demand rises by the same amount as disposable income rises. C: In general, consumption demand rises by more than disposable income. D: In general, consumption demand rises by less than disposable income.
- a good (or service) whose consumption declines as income rises and increases as income decreases increase in income=decrease in consumption decrease in income=increase in consumption
- In an economy, the portion of household spending that occurs independent of household income is known as A: autonomous consumption. B: dissavings. C: the marginal propensity to consume. D: the consumption function.