• 2021-04-14
    The concept of nanotechnology was first discussed in?
  • 1959


    • 0

      The first person to put forward the concept of "aesthetic education" is () A: Schiller B: Baumgar C: Mattis D: Paul Gauguin

    • 1

      Thequestion______nowatthemeetingisnotthequestion____yesterday. A: discussed; discussed B: discussing ; had discussed C: being discussed ; discussed D: discussing ; discussing

    • 2

      2. What aspects can nanotechnology be applied?

    • 3

      It is proposed that this matter _____ at the next meeting. A: will be discussed B: be discussed C: must be discussed D: may be discussed

    • 4

      The committee asked that the matter _____ at the next meeting. A: would be discussed B: may be discussed C: will be discussed D: be discussed