A: 100
B: 510
C: 685
D: 710
- Total Score就是杯测的最终结果
- His total _________ was one hundred and fifty five. A: score B: equally C: secure D: summary
- 《普速铁路工务安全规则》规定靠近线路堆放材料,距钢轨外侧不应少于( )mm。 A: 510 B: 610 C: 710 D: 810
- 不同的英语考试对于词汇量有不同的要求。在中考、高考、CET-4、TEM-4 四项考试中,CET四级考试考查的词汇量最大,为6500词。
- 等级为A,score=100;等级为B,score=190;等级为C或D,score=60;其他,score=0. if语句,以下正确的是()。
- 0
根据业务⑤编制的会计分录中,正确的有()。 A: 借:管理费用 3 510 贷:应付职工薪酬 3 510 B: 借:生产成本 3 510 贷:应付职工薪酬 3 510 C: 借:应付职工薪酬 3 510 贷:主营业务收入 3 000 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 510 D: 借:主营业务成本 2 100 贷:库存商品 2 100
- 1
59() A: everything is wrong B: Do you agree C: let’s total the score D: let’s do it E: we can do it F: Here is the answer sheet G: Here is your score H: the percentage is incorrect
- 2
下面代码的输出结果是()。 <?php $score=87; if($score>=90 && $score<=100){$grade="优秀";} if($score>=80){$grade="良好";} if($score>=70){$grade="一般";} if($score>=60){$grade="及格";} else{$grade="不及格";} echo $grade; ?>
- 3
Most colleges admit students based on their achievements in a number of different areas. The total SAT score achieved by a student is an example of a ________ numerical variable.
- 4
If the total weighted score of a company’s EFE matrix is greater than 2.5, it means that the company has greater external threats than opportunities.