The nucleus(原子核) has a diameter(直径) only 0.01% of that of the atom itself.
- It was these experiments that first showed the atom to consist of a small, massive nucleus(重实的原子核), surrounded by electrons.
- In 1932, physicists engaged in studying the atom and its nucleus had only three particles to consider: the proton, the neutron ,and the electron.
- Which of the following is not a valid conclusion from Rutherford’s alpha particle scattering experiment? ( ) A: The nucleus must be positively charged B: The nucleus must be very small compared to the atom C: The atom is mainly empty space D: The mass of the atom is mostly concentrated in the nucleus
- Around the nucleus of a hydrogen atom moves a single electron._
- Most of the atomic mass(质量) is concentrated in the nucleus, which explains why the nucleus is almost stationary within the atom, while the much lighter electron revolves round it.
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In Japanese business culture,the gift itself is much more important than the gift-giving itself.
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古希腊时期,atom的意思是指 A: 现代物理学中的原子 B: 不可分的东西 C: 分子 D: 原子核
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【多选题】卢瑟福原子核式结构理论的主要内容有 A. 原子的中心有个核,叫原子核 B. 原子的正电荷均匀分布在整个原子中 C. 原子的全部正电荷和几乎全部质量都集中在原子核里 D. 带负电的电子在核外绕着核旋转
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关于原子和原子核,正确的说法是( ) A: 原子的质量大部分集中在原子核上 B: 原子的质量大部分集中在核外电子上 C: 原子核的质量约等于核内中子和质子的质量和 D: 原子核的质量和核外电子的质量差不多 E: 相对于原子的尺寸,原子核所占的空间特别小(核半径约为原子的十万分之一)