• 2022-06-01
    () used to be her job ,but she has now turned ()
    A: To teaching, to advertising
    B: Teaching, to advertise
    C: Teaching, to advertising
    D: To teach, an advertising
  • C


    • 0

      Though her teaching style___________that of most other teachers, she always has more creative teaching methods than others do. A: is similar to B: is similar as C: is the same as D: is the same to

    • 1

      It’s very expensive to _______ on televison. A: advertise B: advertising C: advertise D: advertised

    • 2

      I used to ______my little sister. A: teaching B: teacher C: be taught D: teach

    • 3

      She decides to make teaching as her _______ because she loves it._

    • 4

      According to the objective of advertising, we can classify the advertising into few types, such as ( ). A: Informative advertising B: Mentioned advertising C: Persuasive advertising D: Reminder advertising