Rickets are mainly caused by ( ) deficiency.
- Common nutritional problems for infants and young children include? A: iron deficiency anemia B: Growth retardation caused by zinc deficiency C: deficiency caused by vitamin D rickets D: Osteomalacia caused by calcium deficiency
- Rickets( ) a childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight associated with impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus
- A clinical sign of a child is rickets, the most possible deficiency is
- Young and middle-aged people suffer from hair loss, Which of the following descriptions are correct? A: Hair loss accompanied with fatigue is mostly caused by qi deficiency. B: Hair loss accompanied with aching and weakness of waist and knees is mostly caused by kidney deficiency. C: Hair loss accompanied with insomnia is mostly caused by blood deficiency. D: If there is no other accompanied symptoms, it is congenital white hair.
- Which of the following is not a common nutritional deficiency disease in infants? ( ) A: Rickets B: Zinc lacks C: Iron deficiency anemia D: Neural tube malformation E: Protein malnutrition