Eukaryotic genes have additional steps and more regulatory binding sites controlled by more regulatory proteins. Besides, nucleosomes and their modifiers influence genes expression.
- Reporter genes can be used to indicate not only the amount of gene expression, but also the sites of the expressed proteins.
- The expression products of all genes are proteins.
- Tumor suppressor genes encode proteins that normally restrain cell division. Mutation in one or more of these genes can lead to tumor formation.
- Yeast mutants that are defective in their ability to complete cell division have led to the discovery of many genes that control the cell-division cycle—the so-called Cdc genes—and have provided a detailed understanding of how these genes, and the proteins they encode, actually work.
- Genes with high expression levels are more likely to use ________. A: Prefer codons B: Rare codons C: Start codon D: Stop codon