• 2022-06-01
    人生四大喜事为:久汗逢甘雨,他乡遇故知、洞房花烛夜、金榜提名。The four happiest events in one’s life are ______1_____, ______2_____, ______3_____, and ______4_____,
  • to have a good rain after a long drought  to run across an old friend in a distant land  to spend wedding night  to pass the examination


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      -1_____ me, do you know where the youth hostel is?-The youth hostel is 2_____ Tabley Street. Turn left 3_____ the traffic lights.The youth hostel is in front of you.-Thank you 4_____ for your help.-Don't 5_____ it. Goodbye.

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      一般认为人生四大乐事是金榜题名,() A: 他乡遇故知 B: 久旱逢甘霖 C: 雨后登楼看山 D: 洞房花烛夜

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      1. 70% of the way people develop is _____1_____ 2. 20% is through _____2_____ by somebody else 3. 10% is by _____3_____ 4. What, according to Max, is the main way that companies develop leaders? So the main way to develop leaders is through _____4_____

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      《得意失意诗》: 久旱逢甘雨,他乡见故知。洞房花烛夜,金榜挂名时。中对梦想追求实现的描述是哪一句()