• 2021-04-14
    Emerson is called "Father of American Literature" because _________.
  • All of the above.


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      中国大学MOOC: Being a period of the great flowering of American literature, Romanticism is also called ______.

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      【判断题】William Faulkner proclaimed that Earnest Hemingway was “the father of American literature”. ( ) A.对 B.错

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      The instructor is called Ms Smith because her father is Mr Smith.

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      Eugene O"Neil got four Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize in literature in 1936, and he is called ______. A: The Father of America novel B: The most important dramatist C: The Founder of America dramatist D: The Father of America Literature

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      ________ was often regarded as America’s first man of letters, Father of American Literature, devoting much of his career to literature.