• 2022-06-01
    How tall may an adult elephant be
  • 320 centimetres high


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      This is a very interesting book. I’ll buy it, ____. A: how much may it cost B: no matter how it may cost C: however much it may cost D: how may it cost

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      How will you do to help your parents begin to see you as an adult?

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      The meaning of a word is not an unanalyzable whole. It may be seen as a complex of different semantic features. For example, the meaning of the word "woman" may be analyzed into three components: . A: HUMAN, YOUNG, MALE B: HUMAN , YOUNG, FEMALE C: HUMAN, ADULT, FEMALE D: HUMAN, ADULT, MALE

    • 3

      The tall rectangular buildings may well give way ________ a more complex and exciting shape. ( ) A: on B: of C: with D: to

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      智慧职教: For children below 1.2m(children less than 1.2m tall) may enjoy free tickets.