• 2022-06-01
    Which of the following discussions of Quchi is wrong
    A: the sea points of the meridian of hand yangming
    B: good at treating pyreticosis
    C: good at treating skin diseases
    D: located in the head
  • D


    • 0

      Which of the following translations is better for translating 开门红?( ) A: tender fish head with chili B: steamed tender fish head with chopped pepper C: business with a good start D: kaimenhong,steamed tender fish head with chopped pepper, it means a good start in business

    • 1

      Which of the following in not a good proof to show that Mr. Holland is a good teacher or a good father?

    • 2

      The direction of the bladder meridian of foot taiyang on the body is: A: From the chest to the hand B: From the hand to the head C: From the head to the foot D: From the foot to the chest

    • 3

      How can people greet each other informally? ( )‌‏‌ A: Hi, Peter. B: Good morning, teacher. C: How is life treating you? D: How are you doing recently?

    • 4

      Which of the following statements is NOT true about the London share market A: a. It had fallen 21 points yesterday. B: b. There will be good news for the market. C: c. It badly needs good news to improve the current situation. D: d. There are some rumors which will not help the market.