• 2022-06-01
    Mary, the (old) _____________ of the three sisters, runs a travel agency in New York.
  • eldest


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      我部门雇员需要经常往返于上海和纽约之间。 A: The employees in our department are frequently required to travel back toforth between Shanghai and New York. B: The employees in our department are frequently required to travel back and forth between Shanghai and New York. C: The employees in our department are frequently required to travel backingand forthing between Shanghai and New York.

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      “Is Mary from New York City?”“I don't know _______.”

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      John: Mary isn’t going to New York next week.Rose: ()

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      A local travel agency is a travel agency entrusted by ( ) to receive tourists at the destination.

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      Many Europeans take New York as their favorite city, because ________. A: They are reassured by the sight of the fashion avenues of Madison and Fifth. B: There are many familiar international names in New York. C: New York’s charged nervous atmosphere and vulgar dynamism. D: New York city is a cosmopolitan city.