• 2021-04-14
    In a standard format of business email,s we are not necessary to begin with ___ according to the video.
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      According to the video, are we living in a world of overwhelming choice.

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      How to overcome the fear in the inner world according to the video? The trick is to ______ them, know why they're there – and then ______ them when it's necessary to take action in order to ______ your goals.

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      翻译成中文:In the full-block format, all lines begin atthe left margin. There is no indention in the letter at all. This format issimple, easy to type, and is often used in business letters.

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      According to the video, how can we overcome the cultural barriers?

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      智慧职教: According to the second conversation in the video, what is the biggest disadvantage of online business?