• 2022-05-31
    Which of the body language can be interpreted as sensuous()
    A: Two drivers on a freeway spitting at each other.
    B: A policeman giving road directions.
    C: The liquid body movement of a Hawaiian hula dancer.
    D: An open-armed welcome or a bear hu
  • C


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      Which of the following is not included in the Body Language?

    • 1

      Which of the followings is NOT the relations between qi and body fluid? A: Qi can hold the body fluids B: Qi can promote the metabolism of body fluids C: Body fluid can carry the qi D: Body fluid can generate qi

    • 2

      Yellowstone park’s highlights are easily accessible, which can be reached from each of the park's five entrances. A: by the freeway B: by the highway C: by the loop road D: on foot

    • 3

      Which of the following is the study area of body language? A: body touch B: posture C: volume D: promptness

    • 4

      What happened to the two large jets A: The pilot of the first plane make a big mistake. B: They avoided each other by turning in different directions. C: They narrowly escaped crashing into each other. D: One plane was suddenly out of control.