• 2022-05-31
    A: insulted
    B: teased
    C: irritated
    D: flattered
  • C


    • 0

      哪个翻译更好些? The visitor was flattered and impressed.

    • 1

      He called her a fool. This_____her very much. A: will insult B: insulting C: insulted D: insults

    • 2

      The new income law which was passed in the congress was denounced in the newspapers. A: flattered B: criticized C: complimented D: challenged

    • 3

      The words “annoyed” and “irritated” are more or less ________.

    • 4

      The earth is _____ of the moon. A: 49 times the size B: 49 times the large C: 49 times the small D: 49 the size