• 2022-05-31
    A claim supported by authority:__
    A: Makes reference to an expert on the matter;
    B: Uses government and law enforcement to assure it.
    C: Uses strong, authoritarian language to make its case;
    D: Use a strong argument structure to prove it.
  • A


    • 0

      It doesn’t matter for our college students to make mistakes or have a strong foreign accent, the matter is___________.

    • 1

      Verbal communication refers to the communication that . A: uses numbers or words to construct a message for its reader B: uses symbols and sounds to construct a message for its listener C: is carried either in oral or written form of language D: all the them

    • 2

      <strong>ⅱ)</strong><strong>Entre</strong><strong>las</strong><strong>posibles</strong><strong>interpretaciones</strong><strong>de</strong><strong>las</strong><strong>siguientes</strong><strong>palabras</strong><strong>señala</strong><strong>la</strong><strong>acertada</strong><strong>según</strong><strong>el</strong><strong>contexto.</strong><strong>(0.6×5=3</strong><strong>puntos)</strong><br/>proveían(palabraextraídadelpárrafo2) A: disponían B: alimentaban C: crecían D: ofrecían

    • 3

      May I use my credit card here? - _________ A: You can't. B: No one uses it. C: I am afraid you can't. D: Who told you?

    • 4

      The core of a research argument is the claim supported by reasons and evidence.( )