• 2022-05-31
    I thought we’d be late for the concert, _____ we ended up getting there ahead of time.
    A: but
    B: or
    C: so
    D: for
  • A


    • 0

      Which is a complex sentence? A: I was late because I missed my train. B: We got up late so I missed my train.

    • 1

      A: Hello, Mr. Smith. This is Larry Jackson. I am afraid I won't be able to arrive on time for the meeting in your office.B: ______ . A: Hurry up. We are worried B: No doubt you get up so late C: Cheer up D: That's all right. We'll wait for you

    • 2

      The car didn't work halfway so we () having to walk to the theater. A: resulted in B: finished with C: ended with D: ended up

    • 3

      I think we’d better ____,otherwise<br/>we will be late for class. A: to hurry up B: hurry up C: hurrying up D: hurried up

    • 4

      We must make up for(弥补) lost time. Lost time __________.