• 2022-05-31
    More people are living in the U.S.A nowadays.
    A: Right
    B: Wrong
    C: Doesn't say
  • C


    • 0

      The school is on the right of the Stamp Street. A: Right B: Wrong C: Doesn't say

    • 1

      Bill's daughter didn't want to go to college in China. A: Right B: Wrong C: Doesn't say

    • 2

      The story happened at night. A: Right B: Wrong C: Doesn't say

    • 3

      It is difficult to become a telecommuter. A: right B: wrong C: Doesn't say

    • 4

      Investment banks are more or less the same as the commercial banks and other savings - collecting institutions. A: Right B: Wrong C: Doesn't say