• 2022-05-31
    22 The flood has revealed the problems -- poor quality of flood control works and poor storage _______________.
    A: capacity
    B: capability
    C: possibility
    D: probability
  • A


    • 0

      11. Human beings are born with a _______ to learn language. A: ability B: capacity C: capability D: possibility

    • 1

      n. the state of being poor; a lack of sth. ; poor quality A: pleasure B: poverty C: property D: prosperity

    • 2

      In a fog the ______ is very poor, A: probability B: flexibility C: reliability D: visibility

    • 3

      What problems are Asian countries facing according to the United Nations’ report A: Problems of water-shortages. B: Problems of flood, and the loss of farmland. C: Most problems of environment.

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: The flood has caused ______ in the village.