• 2022-05-31
    What does the author try to tell the readers from the example in paragraph 2?
    A: Young children are interested in textbook questions.
    B: Adults should talk about children’s questions in detail.
    C: Young children are very brave to try the new things.
    D: Adults should listen to children’s questions.
  • D


    • 0

      In order to make children have good behavior, what should the adults do A: To give quick praise like "That is right" or "Very good". B: To say "That is interesting". C: To ask many questions and inspire them to think. D: To show and not to tell.

    • 1

      Which of the following is Chinese way of education? A: They tend to tell the children they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems. B: They encourage children to ask questions and work independently at a very young age. C: They want their children to spend most of their time and effort on study. D: They put more emphasis on fostering creativity in small kids, believing skills can be picked up sooner or later.

    • 2

      According to the author, what should today's parents do A: They should do the same thing as yesterday's parents did. B: They should educate their children according to traditional values. C: They should cooperate with their children's teacher. D: They should seek the balance between limitation on their children's behavior and the freedom they wanted.

    • 3

      When the young adults are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world, they should learn how to relate to ______. A: their peers B: their parents C: children and young adolescents D: their relatives

    • 4

      So ______ are the children about the experiment that they ask endless questions aboutit. A: curious B: interested C: energetic D: excited