• 2022-05-31
    His accent was much ______ by Soviet comedians.
    A: moderated
    B: moaned
    C: mocked
    D: molded
  • C


    • 0

      What helps Odysseus to confirm his identity after he returns to his homeland Ithaca? ( )。 A: His arrow B: His accent C: His old bed D: The scar on his knee

    • 1

      ______ he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to stay behind to finish his assignment. A: Much though B: Much as C: As much D: Though much

    • 2

      ______that even the great fortune he inherited from his father could not sustain his life. A: His extravagance was so B: Much was his extravagance C: Such was his extravagance D: His extravagance was much

    • 3

      The strong accent of the lecturer made his lecture more difficult (). A: taken in B: taking in C: to take in D: to be taken in

    • 4

      34. Judging from his accent, I can ________that he is from the south.