• 2022-05-31
    According to political scientist's thesis is global terrorism a product of the tension between civilizations and the clash of value systems and ideology?
    A: Amartya Sen
    B: Samuel Huntington
    C: Francis Fukuyama
    D: Hernando de Soto
  • B


    • 0

      What accounts for the heightened political tension in Zimbabwe now(). A: Global economic crisis. B: External intervention. C: Suppression of opposition leaders. D: Military rebellions.

    • 1

      The two dimensions, according to which the political systems can be assessed, collectivism-individualism and democratic-totalitarian are independent of each other.W4

    • 2

      According to Maximum Principal Stress theory (also known as Rankine's theory of failure), elastic failure occurs ( ) A: when the minor principal stress is equal to the elastic limits value in a simple tension test B: when the greatest principal stress reaches the elastic limit value in simple tension test C: when the greatest principal stress is equal to the stress corresponding to the upper yield limit in a tension test D: none of the above

    • 3

      (Over) the course of history, (much) civilizations developed (their own) number (systems). A: Over B: much C: their own D: systems

    • 4

      According to Amartya Sen, development should be: A: seen as a process of expanding the real freedoms that people experience. B: seen as a non-political concept that focuses on the net income of a country. C: should be viewed as a purely economic process. D: assessed by material output measures such as GNI per capita.