• 2022-05-31
    Malone finished there was a ()
    hush. ()
    A: transient
    B: momentous
    C: momentum
    D: condensed
  • A


    • 0

      They are said ()<br/>their assignment. A: to have finished B: to have finished to do C: to finish doing D: to finish to do

    • 1

      When<br/>is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? A: on<br/>Sunday B: on<br/>Friday C: on<br/>Saturday D: on<br/>Thursday

    • 2

      Harey<br/>finished () his research<br/>paper, but he needed to check it before submitting it to the<br/>professor. A: to type B: typed C: typing D: type

    • 3

       I hate _______ when people talk with their mouths full.[br][/br][br][/br] A: it B: that C: these D: them

    • 4

      0Hz and an amplitude of8.0cm.<br/>If a timer is started when its displacement is a maximum (hence x=8cm<br/>when t=0),<br/>what isthe<br/>displacement of the mass when t=3.7s? A: zero B: 0.025<br/>m C: 0.036<br/>m D: 0.080<br/>m E: 0.095<br/>m