Which of the following does not belong to cloud computing or cloud
A: Ali Cloud
B: Baidu Cloud
C: Vipshop
D: iCloud
A: Ali Cloud
B: Baidu Cloud
C: Vipshop
D: iCloud
- In definitions of cloud computing, which is the characteristic of cloud computing?
- 利用搜索引擎检索包含Cloud<br/>Computing的PDF文件,正确的检索式为?() A: "Cloud<br/>Computing" filetype:PDF B: Cloud<br/>and Computing and PDF C: Cloud+Computing+PDF D: Cloud+Computing<br/>file:PDF
- 五、For each of the following blanks. Choose one or more than one (多选题,少选或错选都不得分)(2*5=10 %)1.What are the types of cloud computing? A: personal cloud B: Private cloud C: Hybrid cloud D: Public cloud
- Cloud computing providers serve their cloud clients with application, platform and infra-structure.
- ( )is the "cloud" section of a cloud computing system. A: The front end B: The back end C: Host Computer D: Sever