• 2022-05-31
    以下那些是摄像机的常用参数?( )
    A: CLear Flags
    B: Field of View
    C: Projection
    D: Depth
    E: Background
  • A,B,C,D,E


    • 0

      What is the reson of cameras capture images with the characteristic that not all the objects are in focus? A: The camera is not focusing properly B: Limited by the depth of field C: The shooting range is too wide D: There are too many objects in the depth of field

    • 1

      ______in camera can control depth of field. A: The depth of field preview button B: Bulb setting C: Depth-of-field scale D: White balance setting

    • 2

      摄像机种类繁多,按 区分有演播室摄像机、ENG/EFP摄像机、家用摄像机。 A: 制作场所 B: 性能质量 C: 摄像器件 D: 摄像器件尺寸

    • 3

      下列哪一项操作无法选择摄像机? A: 从Outliner中选择摄像机名。 B: 在窗口菜单中执行ViewSelect Camera命令,选择摄像机。 C: 在Hypershader窗口中的Cameras标签下选择摄像机。 D: 在Render View窗口中选择摄像机。

    • 4

      SQL语言中,删除一个视图的命令是( )(1.5) A: REMOVE VIEW B: CLEAR VIEW C: DELETE VIEW D: DROP VIEW