1. Pretty clearly, anyone who followed my collection of rules would be blessed with a richer life, boundless love from his family, and the admiration of the community. 2. Be spontaneous in showing affection 3. A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold. 4. Meet your child at his own level. 5. There was a series of shrieks down the hall. I found Gretchen in tears.
- [音频]What did life have 1._________ for me? At that stage in my life, I really was not certain 2. _____________ and what I would do with 3. _____________. But I knew that I would be able to 4. _______________ because I had successfully 5. _______________ in my life: I had made the transition from a person 6. __________________ to a person 7. ______________________.
- 按酸性强弱排列下列化合物: 1.甲醇 2.乙醇 3.正丙醇 4.异丙醇 5.苯酚 A: 5>1>2>3>4 B: 5>4>3>2>1 C: 5>3>4>2>1 D: 5>1>2>4>3
- 岩石按成因分为()1.岩浆岩2.沉积岩3.花岗岩4.片麻岩5.变质岩 A: 1、2、3 B: 2、3、5 C: 1、2、5 D: 2、4、5
- 图画书的基本版式包括了( )。1.封面 2.环衬 3.扉页 4.正文 5.封底 A: 1、2、3 B: 1、3、4 C: 1、4、5 D: 1、2、3、4、5
- 可以在弃船时担任艇长的是;1.船长;2.大副;3.二副;4.三副;5.轮机长() A: 1、2、3、4、5 B: 2、3、4、5 C: 1、2、3、4 D: 2、3、4