• 2022-06-03
    Which of the following are the most common and clinically useful risk factors for the breast cancer?
    A: Fibrocystic disease, age and gender
    B: Cysts, family history in immediate relatives and gender
    C: Age, gender and family history in immediate relatives
    D: Obesity, Nulliparity and alcohol use
  • A


    • 0

      【单选题】下面的if语句统计满足“性别(gender)为男、职称(rank)为教授、年龄(age)小于40岁”条件的人数,正确的语句为 (2.0分) A. if (gender=="男" or age<40 and rank="教授"): n+=1 B. if (gender=="男" and age<40 and rank="教授"): n+=1 C. if (gender=="男" and age<40 or rank="教授"): n+=1 D. if (gender=="男" or age<40 and or="教授"): n+=1

    • 1

      多选题<br/>Which<br/>of the following are risk factors of hypertension? () A: age B: smoking C: dyslipidemia D: Diabetes E: obesity

    • 2

      What kind of elements of the audience are essential in affecting an oral presentation's organization and content? A: Age and gender B: Education C: Size of the audience D: Age, gender, education and size of the audience

    • 3

      如果要插入一条员工数据,则下列选项正确的是() A: INSERT INTO Employee(Name,Gender,Age,Rank) values('张朝阳','男',48,'201') B: INSERT INTO Employee(Name,Gender,Age,Rank) values(“张朝阳”,”男”,48,”201”) C: INSERT INTO Employee(Name,Gender,Age) values(‘张朝阳','男',48,'201') D: INSERT INTO Employee(Name,Gender,Age,Rank) value(‘张朝阳','男',48,'201')

    • 4

      A 35-year-old man with severe hypercholesterolemia has a family history of deaths at a young age from heart disease and stroke. Which of the following genes is likely to be defective? A: Apolipoprotein E B: The LDL receptor C: Lipoprotein lipase D: PCSK9 E: LCAT