Dead space like ventilation refer to ()
A: decrease
of partial alveolar ventilation
B: increase
of partial alveolar VA/Q
C: increase
of partial alveolar ventilation
D: decrease
of partial alveolar VA/Q
E: increase
of anatomic shunt
A: decrease
of partial alveolar ventilation
B: increase
of partial alveolar VA/Q
C: increase
of partial alveolar ventilation
D: decrease
of partial alveolar VA/Q
E: increase
of anatomic shunt
- Which of the following is primary function of mechanical ventilation? A: Maintain alveolar ventilation and correct hypoxemia B: Increase carbon dioxide C: Increase blood volume D: Maintain pulmonary blood flow
- Which<br/>one is used to evaluate the efficiency of pulmonary ventilation? () A: tidal<br/>volume B: functional<br/>residual capacity C: vital<br/>capacity D: expiratory<br/>reserve volume E: alveolar<br/>ventilation
- In the response of slight increase of arterial CO2 partial pressure to increase ventilation per minute, the most important structure is medullary chemoreceptor.
- Which of the following is the best index to judge the function of<br/>total alveolar ventilation? () A: Vital capacity B: AB (actual bicarbonate) C: Tidal volume D: PaO2 E: PaCO2
- For<br/>a given fuel, a change in the compression ratio will affect the<br/>ignition lag by which of the listed means? ____. A: an<br/>increase in compression ratio will increase the ignition lag B: in<br/>increase in compression ratio will decrease the ignition lag C: a<br/>decrease in compression ratio will decrease the ignition lag D: a<br/>decrease in ignition lag will increase the compression ratio