• 2022-06-03
    A: call
    B: search
    C: post
  • C


    • 0

      Mr.Joneswastired,hewill()overhisdutyoflookouttoanothersailor. A: take B: think C: hand D: get

    • 1

      OVID-medline数据库有哪些检索方式( )。 A: Basic Search B: Search Tools C: Advanced Search D: Search Fields

    • 2

      欧洲专利局官网,提供以下哪几种检索方式( ) A: Quick search B: Classification search C: Number search D: Advanced search

    • 3


    • 4

      Which tools can be used to search patent? A: Espacenet patent search B: WIPO Patentscope C: CNIPA patent search and analysis D: USPTO patent search