• 2022-06-03
    Just do it 是哪个产品的广告词?
    A: Adidas
    B: Nike
  • B


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      6胜利女神叫什么名字( ) A: “Adidas” B: “Puma” C: “Nike” D: “Chanel”

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      1988年,NIKE推出了一项不关于产品,只关系到运动理念的市场活动,它是() A: 永远没有终点线 B: 打出名堂 C: JUST DO IT

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      38.Which of the following slogans is for NIKE? A: Start ahead. B: Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. C: Just do it. D: Good teeth, good health.

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      智慧职教: 耐克的广告口号;Just do it,体现了耐克的品牌(    )

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