• 2022-06-03
    By the time you came back yesterday, they ______ for London.
    A: have left
    B: left
    C: had left
    D: leave
  • C


    • 0

      By the time you get to New York tomorrow, I _______ for Washington. A: am leaving B: will leave C: shall have left D: had left

    • 1

      By the time you get to NY, I _______ for London. A: would be leaving B: am leaving C: have already left D: shall have left

    • 2

      By the time he ______ to the station, the train _____. A: go; have left B: went; have left C: had come; left D: went; had left

    • 3

      I’ll be back before you () A: will leave B: will have left C: leave D: would leave

    • 4

      By the time you get to Beijing tomorrow, I ______ for Shanghai. A: shall have left B: am leaving C: will leave D: have already left