• 2022-06-03
    WHO is short World Health Organization.
    A: of
    B: for
    C: at
    D: with
  • B


    • 0

      World Health Day is celebrated by _________ member countries of the World Health Organization

    • 1

      世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)开始建立国际针灸培训中心的时间是( )

    • 2

      The objective of the World Health Organization (WHO) shall be the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.

    • 3

      This is the total number of people who suffer from various diseases that the World Health Organization ________________unsafe drinking supplies.

    • 4

      世界卫生组织( World Health Organization, WHO) 认为,影响健康的主要因素有( ) A: 生活方式 B: 生物因素 C: 环境因素 D: 医疗保健