• 2021-04-14
    Opportunities refer to elements in the environment that the business could exploit to its advantage.
  • 内容

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      Which of the following about industrial policy is true A: Industrial policy is usually imposed-on industries with economies of scale. B: Industrial policy is usually imposed-on industries without economies of scale. C: Industrial policy could be a source of static comparative advantage rather than dynamic compararive advantage. D: Industrial policy couldbreak the constraints of static comparative advantage and create dynamic comparative advantage.

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      4.What does comparative advantage refer to?

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      The external business environment in which a business operates is sometimes known as which of the following:() A: The national environment B: The macro environment C: The international environment D: The micro environment

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      The main content of SWOT Analysis is ( ). A: macro environment analysis B: micro environment analysis C: analysis of company's internal strengths and weaknesses D: analysis of company's internal strengths and weaknesses as well as its external opportunities and threats

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      Good environment for shopping is an advantage of online shopping.