Kimberly Wasserman lives in the Little Village area of Chicago.
- Little area
- Most of the population in this area lives below the _____ (poor) line.
- 这个小村子里大部分习俗都被保留下来,发展成了一种传统。 A: The majority of the customs in this little village has been kept and developed into a tradition. B: The majority of the customs in this little village have been kept and developed into a tradition. C: In this little village majority custom have been kept and developed into a tradition. D: In this little village the most custom have been kept and developed into a tradition.
- The village was very small.These were only___ houses. A: few B: a few C: little D: a little
- My Chinese teacher lives in the village ______. A: near B: near by C: nearby D: nearly