• 2021-04-14
    The map is drawn to the standard ______ of 1/100,000 so there is not much detail.
  • scale


    • 0

      以下符合城镇体系规划中重点地区城镇发展规划示意图的比例尺要求的是()。 A: 1;500 000~1:300 000 B: 1:200 000~1:100 000 C: 1:50 000~1:10 000 D: 1:5 000~1 2 000

    • 1

      The teacher asked us 1 (not make) so much noise.

    • 2

      A.8,000 people.B.10,000 people.C.80,000 people.D.100,000 people. A: 8,000 people. B: 10,000 people. C: 80,000 people. D: 100,000 people.

    • 3

      The classification of standard documents can be drawn according to the range of their application, thus they are classified in terms of the followings except for:

    • 4

      He is______a writer as a scholar. A: not as much B: so much C: as much D: not so much