• 2021-04-14
    Whats the Chinese meaning of “High blood pressure is called a silent killer.”?
  • 高血压被称为慢性杀手。


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      中国大学MOOC: Which word stands for high blood pressure?()

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      Experts believe _____ obesity is often associated with a number of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol problems.

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      47.When you measure blood pressure, the higher reading is called ________. A: diastolic pressure B: B、Celciusdegree C: Fahrenheit degree D: systolic pressure

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      In a cardiac cycle, the average value of arterial blood pressure is<br/>called () A: Systolic pressure B: Diastolic pressure C: Pulse pressure D: Mean arterial pressure E: Central venous pressure

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      If you find your blood pressure continues to be high, you should check more often.