• 2022-06-03
    A _____ is a link on a Web page that leads to another Web page.
  • hyperlink


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      A web page telling how to create a bank account

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      Why not add this web page to your list of ________ pages.

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      roommate ( ) A: to send into the<br/>air with great force. B: a location on<br/>the World Wide Web that contains a home page and other pages liked to<br/>the home page. C: any of the<br/>programs that are written to operate a computer. D: one who shares<br/>another's room or lodgings.

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      The usual address for a Web site is the()page address, although you can enter the address of any page and have that page sent to you. A: home B: main C: host D: house

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      In MLA style, a publication of periodical publications appearing only on the web often does not have page numbers; if that is the case, use ___________ in place of page numbers.