• 2022-06-03
    In China people usually think that baseball is very dangerous and _______ people like it.
    A: little
    B: few
    C: A few
  • B


    • 0

      People had very few ___________ (消遣) to choose from.

    • 1

      Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very ______.

    • 2

      ______ care would have prevented it. A: A few B: A little C: Few D: Little

    • 3

      The author claims that ________. A: learning is no longer the right of a select group of people B: very few people are illiterate C: exchange of knowledge is now universal D: special learning should not be left to a few people

    • 4

      They can build the road with ______ money and ______ people if they take the engineer’s advice. A: fewer/less B: a little/few C: little/a few D: less/fewer