Task1Directions:Afterreadingthefollowingpassage,youwillfindfivequestionsorunfinishedstatements(No.46toNo.50).ForeachquestionorstatementtherearefourchoicesmarkedA,B,CandD.YouarerequiredtomakethecorrectchoiceandwritethecorrespondingletterontheAnswerSheet. Manypost-80scouplesarecomplainingthatgoingtothemovies,shoppingorattendingpartieshavebecomeimpossiblesincetheirkidswereborn.That’sthewaymostparentsarelivingtheirlives,noweekendsoftheirown,notimetovisitfriends,notevenachanceofpromotionintheirjobs. Askinghelpfromtheirparentsmightbeawayout,butproblemsarethatsomeagingparentsarenotstrongenoughtotakecareofthekids,andthatthekidsmayalsobecometoospoiledbytheirgrandparents. Then,herecomesasolution:familieswithkidscanformasmallgroup,andparentsofeachfamilycantaketurnstolookafterallthekidsinthisgrouponweekends.Thus,otherparentscanhavesomequiettimeandfeelfreetodosomethingthey’vebeenplanningforalongtime.Atthesametime,thekidscanmakenewfriendsandwon’tbehangingaroundtheirparentsalldaylong.Thisisbaby-pooling. Whatis(are)theadvantage(s)ofbaby-pooling __________ .
A: The parents can have much more free time.
B: The kids can make new friends.
C: The kids won’t be hanging around their parents all day long.
D: All of the above.
A: The parents can have much more free time.
B: The kids can make new friends.
C: The kids won’t be hanging around their parents all day long.
D: All of the above.
- Important people don’t often have much free time as their work _____ all their time.
- All parents need to motivate (激励) their kids. Whether it’s getting smaller children to eat their dinner or getting a sixth-grader to do homework, getting kids to apply energy to a situation can be a c
- 你不能一辈子都依赖父母。 A: You can’t be dependent on your parents all your life. B: You can’t depend on your parents all the life.
- 1. What is the main idea of paragraph 1? A: Challenging working environment can damage interpersonal relationship. B: All parents keep on reminding their kids to “play nice.” C: The reminder of “play nice” for adults should be more polite than that for kids. D: Not only kids but also adults need to be reminded to “play nice” sometimes.
- What can parents do to help their kids to get out of trouble?