- 祖父下定决心戒烟。A. Grandfather has made a firm resolution.B. Grandfather has made a firm resolution to give up smoking.C. Grandfather has made a firm resolution to give up smoke.D. Grandfather has made a firm resolution to give up to smoke.
- 瑞恩下定()要为非洲的孩子挖一口井 A: 决心 B: 信心
- 根据“知信行模式”,帮助个体成功戒烟的基础是: A: 寻找戒烟同伴 B: 说明吸烟的危害 C: 产生自愿戒烟的决心 D: 产生戒烟行为
- 知晓烟的危害决心戒烟戒烟这个模式是健康教育的哪个模式?
- 中国大学MOOC: 某人由于单位一位德高望重的前辈的期望而下定决心开始戒烟,这属于