• 2022-06-03
    Edward de Bono
  • E,G


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      Edward Riis

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      Fill in the blanks according to what you hear. Edward:Excuseme.Iwanttomakeanappointmentforamedical____.Receptionist:Letmesee.I'mafraidTuesdayandWednesdayarefully_____.Howabout3:00 PMonThursday?Edward:Noproblem.Receptionist:What_____doyouwanttotest?Edward:Avisionscreening, colorblindnessinspection, a______testandchestX-ray.Receptionist:OK.Pleasefilloutthisform.Thetotal______is$50.AlsoremembertotakethisformwithyouforThursday'smedicalchecks.

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      Je propose _____ mes amis _____ visiter le Mont-Saint-Michel. A: à ; de B: à ; à C: de ; à D: de ; de

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      The nike name of King Edward was ().