Which of the four levels in reading comprehension is(are) based on the literal meaning and structure of the text?
key elements like 5W2Hlogic interaction between major points
- Which of the four levels in reading comprehension is(are) based on the literal meaning and structure of the text? A: key elements like 5W2H B: figurative meaning hidden between the lines C: logic interaction between major points D: critical thinking by connecting the reader’s reality
- 青书学堂: the examination paper_____ four parts: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, vocabulary and structure and writing.( ) 答
- In Bottom-up model, reading comprehension is based on _____ ?
- In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of ___. A: structure B: sentences C: form D: meaning
- Which is not the reading skill that the learners should be developed in reading class? ( ). A: Making prediction based on vocabulary or title B: Guessing the word’s meaning C: Cooperating with others D: Making inference
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_____________ means to translate the source language text into target language by following its literal meaning and structure. A: Free translation B: Transliteration C: Literal translation D: Domestication
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Based on the interpretive theory, there are two phases of interpreting which are comprehension and reformulation.
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中国大学MOOC: _____________ means to translate the source language text into target language by following its literal meaning and structure.
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literal meaning
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The denotative meaning of a word is __________. A: what the word suggests or implies B: based on the audience’s sense of appropriateness C: its literal or dictionary meaning D: usually more abstract than its connotative meaning