• 2022-06-03
    I'll go to the library as soon as I finish what I ______.
    A: was doing
    B: am doing
    C: have done
    D: had been doing
  • B


    • 0

      I decided to go to the library as soon as I ______ what I was doing. A: would finish B: finished C: have finished D: had finished

    • 1

      — I dropped in at your house at about ten last night, but you weren’t in. — I regular exercises at the club. A: did B: was doing C: had done D: have been doing

    • 2

      15. What have you been doing recently? () A: I<br/>washed my clothes. B: I’ve<br/>been looking for a new job. C: I<br/>was doing my homework. D: I<br/>am becoming an excellent driver.

    • 3

      I'm ashamed ______ such a thing. A: that you would have done B: that you should have done C: of what you are doing D: to what you were doing

    • 4

      I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else— ______, I was wasting my time. A: in fact B: in other words C: in a word D: as a result