• 2022-06-03
    Many people protested before the Embassy and ______ for immediate stop to the war.
    A: requested
    B: appealed
    C: called
    D: begged
  • B


    • 0

      In history the war between the Union and the eleven Southern states (1861-1865) is called American[br][/br] War. A: United B: Urban C: City D: Civil

    • 1

      He ______ that it had nothing to do with him. But no one trusted in him. A: appealed B: begged C: claimed D: exerted

    • 2

      During the eight years war, many people _______ their blood for their country.

    • 3

      Young people are called children until they are_years old or before

    • 4

      During the American Civil War, those who demanded immediate liberation of black slaves were called A: freedom riders. B: liberation group. C: Democrats. D: abolitionists.