• 2022-06-03
    Pregnant women during pregnancy always face the negative emotions
    such as anxiety and fear, which will also affect the fetal health.(
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      Which<br/>of the following symptoms are negative symptoms of schizophrenia( )? A: Little<br/>spontaneous speech B: Blunted affect C: Hallucinations D: Lack of<br/>volition E: apathy

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      Nutritional<br/>supplements she should begin before she gets pregnant include which<br/>of the following() A: Folate<br/>to reduce neural tube defects B: Vitamin<br/>B12 to<br/>increase RBC production prior to pregnancy C: Vitamin<br/>B1 to<br/>reduce beriberi D: Vitamin<br/>C to reduce scurvy E: No<br/>supplementation is necessary until pregnancy is confirmed

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      What are the major threats to human health? A: Smoking and drinking alcohol can greatly affect human health. B: Keeping an unbalance diet can cause healthy problems. C: Depression, anxiety, pressure and other worries can lead to healthy problems. D: air pollution &amp; traffic accidents are also threats to human health.

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      Fetal movement generally occurs in the ( )<br/>month pregnant A: 3 B: 4 C: 5 D: 6

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      Which is not defined by Aristotle as a trait of tragedy? A: an<br/>imitation of an action which is serious and complete and has a<br/>proper magnitude B: expressed<br/>in speech with forms of enhancements C: presented<br/>in a logical and reasonable narrative manner D: ending<br/>through pity and fear in a catharsis of such emotions