• 2021-04-14
    “As” in paragraph 1, Passage 2 serves to signal the cause for the debate over who pays for the cost of college education.
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      According to paragraph 2, the parents of today's high-school students______. A: did not receive enough high-school education B: received a level of education which is almost equivalent to that of today's college C: received a level of education high enough for most occupations 40 years ago D: who received only high-school education are not qualified for such professional work as ministers, doctors or lawyers

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      What is said about the relationship between these education organizations in the passage A: The Adult Education Association was the predecessor of the American Association for Adult Education. B: The Office of Vocational and Adult Education is a branch of the U. S. Dept. of Education. C: The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education was developed from the National Association. D: The U. S. Dept. of Education is responsible for the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education.

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      What is wrong with this thesis? How would you revise it?"The cost of a college education is rising sharply."

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      College-age<br/>athletes who drop out of college to play professional sports() A: are not rational decision makers. B: are well aware that their opportunity cost<br/>of attending college is very high. C: are concerned more about present<br/>circumstances than their future. D: underestimate the value of a college<br/>education.

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      This passage criticizes the high tuition fee for college education and provides parents several suggestions to save costs.