• 2021-04-14
    You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator, now ( ) sour.
  • it smells


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      "You ought to have called Helen yesterday." A: es I know I ______." B: ought to C: have to D: should have E: must have

    • 1

      I’m very sorry I’m late. I ______ and told you I was coming. A: ought to phone you B: must phone you C: ought to have phoned you D: must have phoned you

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      You ______ him that the day before. A: ought not to have told B: must not have told C: should not tell D: ought not to tell

    • 3

      "Have you paid your telephone bill?""No, but I________yesterday." A: ought to pay it B: ought to have paid it C: must pay it D: must have paid it

    • 4

      你把需要的那本书放在什么地方啦? A: Where have you put the book which needed? B: Where have you put the book that needed? C: Where have you put the book needed? D: Where have you put the book to need?