• 2022-06-03
    Such chemicals are indeed negatively ________ those humans to whom they are exposed.
    A: risking
    B: detecting
    C: impacting
    D: overwhelming
  • C


    • 0

      Those __________ are late for work will be fined in this company. A: who B: whom C: which D: Whose

    • 1

      Happiness often comes to those ( ) work hard. A: what B: which C: whom D: who

    • 2

      We should learn from those ____ are always ready to help others. A: that B: who C: whom D: they

    • 3

      Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. A: oxymoron B: parallelism C: satire D: aphorism

    • 4

      精细化学品的英文名为: A: Heavy chemicals B: Fine chemicals C: Refine chemicals D: Special chemicals