• 2022-06-03
    The patient is a 46-year-old male. He was admitted to hospital after one-month paroxysmal chest pain. With each attack, sublingualnitroglycerincould relieve chest pain. We consider the disease as coronary heart disease and angina. The most commonly used method of examinationis
    A: Coronary CTA
    B: Radionuclide inspection
    C: DCG
    D: UCG
  • A


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      What<br/>is heart failure? () A: condition in which the heart stops beating B: condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the<br/>body's needs C: heart<br/>attack D: condition in which the patient experiences chest pain E: none<br/>of above

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      a substance used in treating disease or relieving pain; the act or process of treating a person or disease with medicine ____.

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      A 75-year-old man is noted to have chest pain with exertion and has been passingout recently. On examination he is noted to have a harsh systolic murmur.Which of the following is the best therapy for his condition? A: Coronary artery bypass B: Angioplasty C: Valve replacement D: Carotid endarterectomy

    • 3

      Which one of the following belongs to basic pathological process? ( ) A: Coronary heart disease B: Uremia C: Diabetes D: Disorders of water and sodium metabolism E: Lung cancer

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      Drugs and painkillers may still be used to ease physical pain, but all these techniques help the patient _____ and avoid anxiety over their pain. A: rest B: relax C: ease D: refresh